
Jagerhund Antler Chews is a family venture, born out of the love for pets and pet health along with the great outdoors. As a family, we've enjoyed the challenge of annual antler shed hunting in the woods and high desert of Arizona where we source most of our antlers dropped primarily by elk and deer. Dogs love our antlers so much, that we've expanded our lineup to include seasonal Moose and Caribou antlers by partnering with folks in Montana and Alaska who love collecting dropped antlers as much as we do!
At Jagerhund Antler Chews, we strive to offer some of the world's highest quality antler chews, antler infused treats and powdered superfood supplements.
Our antlers are never harvested and all are sourced ethically, responsibly, respecting all antlered game, being careful to not impact the sustainable environment of these wild and free roaming North American animals.